Typical Installation setups have a single door station calling a single master station. However, there are a few times where this needs to be expanded to include multiple master stations. This is easily done with the N-8000 software.
System Example:
1 x N-8000EX
5 x N-8000MS
1 x N-8050DS
Once you have added in all of your devices proceed to assigning them with station numbers:
From here, access the tab that will have your door station configuration page. In this example it is located under the Station tab. Here you will choose Door 01 (N-8050DS) and select speed dialing. Add in the first master station that you wish to call. We will use master station #99.
You are only ever able to add a single station to the speed dialing section. So now what you need to do is access the master station that you assigned the speed dial number to. choose master station #99 and select the function settings tab.
From here we can now add up to 15 other stations that will ring at the same time as this station. You add these in the group call section. Input the other master station numbers here and you have now created a group that will all be ring when that door initiates a call. Save the program file and do an upload to your devices.
Questions? Contact TOA’s Technical Support Department:
1-800-263-7639 or 905-564-3570 option 2 or ext. 320
(Available Monday to Friday, 8:30am until 8pm EST)