TOA Canada - Clear intelligible audio while maintaining today’s safety first approach.

Clear intelligible audio while maintaining today’s safety first approach.


Mississauga, ON, Canada, September 2020 – TOA Canada constantly monitors current events that effect the audio market to find areas it can pro-actively offer solutions. In today’s environment of social distancing, TOA Canada is delighted to announce the release the N-XC65-WN-XC65-W IP Audio Window Intercom Kit for safe, two-way communications that is ideal for a variety of business situations.


“More and more we see barriers and glass partitions everywhere we go, from the doctors office’s, to movie theatres, to hospitals” explains Ibrahim Chehade, Product Development Engineer for TOA Canada. “Our window intercom is a perfect addition to any environment that needs intelligible speech to overcome the muffled sound caused by obstructions.” The N-XC65-W delivers full duplex high definition sound and comes with a class D amplifier for clear voice magnification. The stylish and high performance intercom also brings with it a single digital signal processor that effectively tunes out interference for high voice intelligibility. Whether you’re ordering food or providing information at a medical office; the ability to ensure the other person hears you while remaining at a safe distance, will greatly ease the stress of everyone involved.


TOA Canada expects a strong response from the market for this sleek and highly functional unit. With the intercom’s full touch button design, operators will find using it very straightforward. “Once customers see it and begin interacting with it, they will be sold on it” says a very eager Parth Gadhavi, Regional Sales Manager for TOA Canada. Whether implemented in a noisy space or quiet room, the one button switch offers three different listening modes to adjust the volume to suite the current environment. Another great feature is having the capability to record conversation in both analog and digital mode. Recordings can be played back later for training purposes or even reviewing customer disputes.


The Canadian market is adapting to how it prepares their business settings to safeguard both employees and customers. Including a window intercom in the plan will become more common to create a safe area while at the same time keeping clear open two-way communication. Safety enhancing products is a logical way for TOA Canada to move towards, and their N-XC65-W IP Audio Window Intercom is an excellent first release.

